Day: March 22, 2013

At Mary Ann Markowitz & Associates, we specialize in recruiting the best candidates for finance and accounting positions. With our extensive network and expertise, we can help you find the perfect frt for your team.

Economic Growth Will Tighten the Labor Market

The United States recovery is well underway and economic growth in the Dallas Metropolitan area has been picking up. As economic growth continues, hiring managers will find themselves under increasing pressure to both find top-notch candidates and to retain their own staff. Texas’s Economy is Strengthening The Dallas metropolitan economy

Finding the Best Accounting and Finance Talent

While the national unemployment rate remains high at 7.7 percent, the unemployment rate among accountants is only 4.2%. With such a tight labor market many human resource managers are finding it difficult to fill accounting and finance vacancies. Competing for local college graduates with accounting degrees can be tough, especially