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7 Signs You’re Quietly Quitting Your Job And Should Consider A Different Path

grayscale photo of woman doing silent hand sign

Quiet quitting is an increasingly popular career decision many people make without fuss. According to a recent study, over 80% of job seekers have experienced some form of quiet quitting in their careers. It’s essential to be aware of the signs that you’re quietly quitting your job and should consider a different path to ensure that you’re not just throwing in the towel without taking the necessary steps to move forward in your career.

1: You Start Avoiding Your Workplace Or Making Excuses To Leave

If you find yourself avoiding your workplace or making excuses to leave early, it could be a quiet quitting sign that you are planning on quitting your job soon. This form of “quiet quitting” can signify that you are feeling unmotivated and unhappy in your current position. Addressing these feelings before taking the big step of quitting is essential to ensure it’s the right decision for you.

2: You Stop Asking For Promotion Or Increase In Salary

Are you stuck in a career rut but reluctant to make a fuss? Try the clever strategy of quiet quitting. This entails taking steps such as ceasing requests for salary increases or promotions, indicating that you are no longer willing to strive towards advancement within your company. Quiet quitting can have powerful ramifications – providing an escape route without drawing attention – and should be considered carefully if one feels as though they may be trapped in an unfulfilling situation.

3: You Avoid Tasks That Are Meaningful To You

Have you ever felt like you’re avoiding tasks that are meaningful to you? It’s a common phenomenon known as “quiet quitting,” and it can be hard to recognize. Quiet quitting is when you find yourself procrastinating and giving up before reaching a goal that has personal or professional significance. It’s important to be aware of this behavior and learn how to manage it, so that you don’t miss out on opportunities to improve your life!

4: You Stop Learning And Growing At Work

Sometimes, when you stay in one job for too long, it can be easy to stop learning and growing professionally. This is a common problem, and many people opt for ‘quiet quitting’, which is when they don’t announce their departure, but instead stop showing up. This can be a great way to move on without causing too much disruption or making any waves, but it’s important to remember to end your job on good terms if you can.

If you’re habitually making excuses for your mistakes, it could signify that you’re quietly quitting your job. This can indicate a lack of confidence in your abilities and a need to escape the situation. If you make excuses more often than not, it might be time to reassess your career goals and decide whether staying in your current position is the best move for you.

Are you feeling pressured to reach specific results or accomplish certain goals quickly? This can signify that you’re feeling overwhelmed or unproductive at work and may want to consider leaving before things worsen. If this is happening consistently, it may be time to rethink your job situation and assess whether better options are available before moving to a quietly quitting behavior.

5: You Become More Reclusive And Downtrodden

When someone is quietly quitting a job, they tend to become more reclusive and downtrodden. They isolate themselves, stop participating in activities they once enjoyed, and become more introverted. It’s essential to look out for signs that someone close to you may be quietly quitting, as it can have severe consequences for their mental health.

6: You Don’t Show Up For Meetings Or Call In Sick Frequently

If you feel like you need to quit but don’t want to cause a stir, quiet quitting may be the answer. It involves gradually leaving a job, such as calling in sick more often and not attending meetings. It can be a way to avoid awkward conversations and save face, but it’s important to remember that it can damage your professional reputation in the long run.

7: You Notice A Change In Your Relationship With Co-workers Or Manager

When it comes to quiet quitting, one thing that often gets overlooked is how it can affect your relationships with coworkers. If you don’t give your team a proper farewell, it can leave a sour taste in their mouths and deteriorate the working relationships. It’s essential to be sensitive to how your departure will affect others and make sure that it’s the right decision for you.  So if you’re planning on going out with a whisper, make sure to take the time to thank your coworkers and tell them how much you appreciate the opportunity to work with them. Additionally, noticing a change in your relationship with your manager could be a sign that you’re quietly quitting. This can involve changes in attitude, communication style, and even job duties.

If you feel like your co-workers or manager are treating you differently, it might be time to take some steps to exit your current situation.

8: Your Career Prospects Have Diminished Significantly

Quietly quitting your job can seem like a good idea in the short term, but it can have long-term consequences. If you don’t give your current employer proper notice, your career prospects will diminish significantly. Not only will you lose out on opportunities for a new job, but you might also suffer from a lack of references and be challenging to find in the future, which can have a lasting impact on your career. If you leave without giving notice, it can leave a negative impression on potential employers and can diminish your career prospects significantly. Make sure to think carefully before leaving a job without officially resigning.


If you feel like something is wrong with the way you do things at work, there may be a reason for it. Try talking to your manager or HR department about it and see if they have suggestions for improving your situation.

If not, quiet quitting might be the answer. It’s important to remember to end your job on good terms and to be aware of the potential long-term consequences of leaving without giving notice. Overall, it’s essential to take the time to think carefully before quitting your job, as it can have a lasting impact on your career.

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