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Make the Connection at the IMA Texas Annual Conference – Pre- Conference Event, Thursday, April 27, 2017

Join Randy Dean, MBA – The E-mail Sanity Expert® – for a powerful day of productivity skills development on time, project, people, e-mail, and device/smart phone management!

Randy is the author of the recent e-mail bestseller, Taming the E-mail Beast, and is also one of the most popular speakers on time, e-mail, and related technology management in the U.S. and abroad. Come join him as he provides numerous tips, tricks, and strategies for better managing your time, project, people, ideas, e-mail, information, and smart phone/tablet devices! Most attendees to Randy’s programs walk away with a slew of new tips, strategies and techniques with tools like Outlook, Gmail/Google, and their smart phone/tablet devices for increased productivity, reduced distraction, and better overall performance.

Here are the three programs he’ll be covering in his powerful day of productivity:

Program 1: Taming the E-mail Beast Using MS Outlook and/or Gmail: Key Strategies for Managing Your E-mail Overload

Every day, managers and professionals are getting buried under a continuing stream of both useful and useless e-mail. Without a system for getting “control of the beast”, professionals spend much of their work (and personal) time spinning wheels and feeling highly unsatisfied. If you would like to get control of your e-mail “beast”, you should attend this program. Learn a proven system for taming your e-mail account, with strategies for keeping your inbox efficient and under control by building and administering a personal “e-mail infrastructure”. Reduce the mess in your inbox by having “natural” places for your e-mails to go. Learn how to get rid of all those “quick little” e-mails once and for all, as well as how to mitigate or even eliminate much of that annoying junk and spam. Learn several key technical tips for better managing your e-mail using market-leading software like MS Outlook and/or Gmail. Finally feel on top of your e-mail and related activities, rather than feeling it is on top of you.

Program 2: Finding an Extra Hour Every Day: Time, Project/Task, People/Client, and Idea Management Strategies for Busy Professionals

Description: In this popular quick-hitting program on “finding an extra hour of productivity” every day, Randy Dean, MBA, the “Totally Obsessed” Time Management/E-mail Guy uses humor and high energy as he goes into many of the most common areas of productivity loss (and possible gain!) afflicting many busy professionals today: managing multiple projects, maintaining “traction” when dealing with tasks and interruptions, managing your e-mails more efficiently, clearing the clutter in your mind for better focus and attention, keeping staff on task, tracking “who owes you what” and getting that information on time, and better managing your calendar and contacts for better time and relationship management. His goal is to help stressed out performers learn several new and immediately useful strategies for finding a few minutes on tasks, activities, and actions you are already doing, leading to at least an extra hour of productivity every day, as well as a better way to start and manage your day so more time is devoted to your key projects, clients, and activities with less distraction.

Program 3: Smart Phone Success & Terrific Tablets: Getting More Productivity (and Fun!) From Your Smart Phone & Tablet Devices

Description: You know which apps are fun, but what apps, services and functions will help you turn your Droid, IPhone/IPad, and/or Windows device into a productivity workhorse? In this session, we will discuss the apps and peripheral devices that help take your Smart Phone (and tablets) from “cool” to “critical” when it comes to productivity, time, project, people, and e-mail management as well as “remote” productivity. We’ll even show you a new configuration of apps and services that could allow you to potentially consider using these devices in lieu of more traditional laptop/desktop computers, and how these devices might actually be even more powerful from a productivity perspective right now. A highlight to this program is when the presenter, Randy Dean, opens up the floor to program participants to share their favorite apps, allowing people to gain knowledge from all program attendees.
As you can see, attendees to all or part of this day of programming are likely to significantly improve their productivity, find more focus, use their technology and software much better, and even find more time for the more important items in both work and life! We encourage you to join us for this amazing day – likely one of the most useful professional development experiences you’ll have in your entire career!

Join us at the IMA Texas Annual Conference April 27 – 28, 2017 at the Sheraton DFW Airport Hotel, Irving, Texas. To learn more about or register for the Pre-conference Event on the 27th and/or the Full Day Conference on the 28th, go to our conference website at

More about your program leader, Randy Dean, MBA:
Randy Dean, The E-mail Sanity Expert®,is a professional speaker and expert on time & e-mail management, effective organization, and the related use of technology. For more than 20 years, Randy has been leading training and speaking programs for major corporate, university, association, and government audiences. Obsessed with time management and personal productivity, he left a successful career as a graduate program admissions director, professional marketer, and manager to become a leading speaker and trainer. The author of the recent Amazon bestseller, Taming the E-mail Beast, he has led programs for thousands of satisfied and inspired students, managers, and professionals on being more productive with their time and life. His highly informative and entertaining speaking and training programs leave audience members with immediately-usable tools, strategies, and skills on how to better manage their time, technology, and information overload following their program experience.

Randy is best known for his programs on time, project, people, and especially e-mail management using popular tools like Microsoft Outlook, Gmail/Google apps, and smart phones & tablets. His speaking and training programs are consistently some of the highest-rated programs for the many clients he speaks for, including major conferences/conventions, Fortune 500 organizations, top universities, governmental agencies, and leading nonprofits — basically anyone struggling to better manage their time, e-mail, smart phone/tablet devices, Google productivity apps, and/or Microsoft Outlook. (And he makes these topics fun and engaging too!)

He has previously been interviewed by the Washington Times, Detroit News, The Globe and Mail, Business Week Online, and numerous other media outlets, including radio, television, newspaper, and blog sites. He is a member of the National Speakers Association (NSA) and Michigan Society of Association Executives.

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