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At Mary Ann Markowitz & Associates, we specialize in recruiting the best candidates for finance and accounting positions. With our extensive network and expertise, we can help you find the perfect frt for your team.

The Best Tips for A Smoother Recruitment Process | Services | MAM Recruiting

Accounting positions can stay vacant for weeks (or even months!) due to low unemployment rates and a shortage of qualified applicants. As an accounting hiring manager, you are faced with the challenge of hiring the best candidate for a demanding role — as soon as possible. 

But you can’t go wrong and hire the wrong accountant. MAM Recruiting shares with you a few accounting recruitment tips for finding the ideal candidates.


Narrow down your search

The hiring process is not just about receiving resumes from any qualified applicant. At MAM Recruiting, we help you narrow down your search. Hiring managers get a complete writeup including key points about the candidate as well as a resume, together with a weekly summary report for each search.


Invest in meaningful conversations

Do your candidates leave the conversation with clarity? Are your conversations personal, professional, and engaged?

High-volume and transaction-focused recruiting tend to produce poor candidates with low job satisfaction and a poor understanding of their job description. 


Find an approach that solves problems and answers questions

At MAM Recruiting, we aim to make the hiring process meaningful for both hiring managers and candidates. We use video, together with other forms of media, to make sure that conversations are clear and all important points are covered.

The goal is to help candidates and hiring managers to build meaningful relationships in the long run. At MAM Recruiting, we are proud to recognize that the majority of our placements have stayed in their respective positions in the last decade.

To know more about our process, do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to becoming a part of your hiring process and helping you make meaningful connections.

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