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Three Ways to Get the Most From Online Learning Activities. Now is an opportune time to enhance career prospects through online learning.

man in blue and white plaid dress shirt using macbook pro
Learning online can be a great way to gain new skills and knowledge, but making the most of your learning activities is essential. Here are three ways to do just that. Firstly, be proactive by setting specific goals for each learning session. This will help you stay focused and motivated as you work through the material.

1: Set a goal to complete one chapter of the textbook.

2: Set a goal to review and understand key concepts from the previous lecture.

3: Set a goal to complete five practice problems to reinforce your understanding.

4: Set a goal to research and summarize one additional resource related to the topic.

5: Set a goal to discuss the material with a study group or classmate to gain different perspectives.

6: Set a goal to create flashcards or a study guide to help you review the material later.

7: Set a goal to teach someone else what you’ve learned to solidify your understanding.

Additionally, take advantage of the resources available, such as online forums or discussion boards, where you can interact with other learners and ask questions. Collaborating with others can enhance your understanding of the subject matter and provide different perspectives.

1. Increased Knowledge: Collaborating with others allows you to tap into a wider pool of knowledge and expertise. Each individual brings their own unique experiences and insights, which can enhance your understanding of the subject matter.

2. Different Perspectives: Working with others exposes you to different viewpoints and ways of thinking. This can challenge your own assumptions and broaden your perspective, leading to a more well-rounded understanding of the subject.

3. Brainstorming: Collaborating with others encourages open and creative thinking. Through brainstorming sessions with your peers, you can generate new ideas and solutions that you may not have thought of on your own.

4. Problem-solving: When faced with a complex subject matter, collaborating with others can help you tackle difficult problems more effectively. By pooling together your collective knowledge and skills, you can approach challenges from different angles and find innovative solutions.

5. Feedback and Critique: Collaborating with others allows for constructive feedback and critique. Your peers can provide valuable insights and suggestions, helping you to improve your understanding and refine your work.

6. Motivation and Support: Working with others can provide motivation and support, especially during challenging times. Collaborating with like-minded individuals who share your passion for the subject matter can help you stay focused and energized.

7. Networking: Collaborating with others provides an opportunity to expand your professional network. Building relationships and connections with others who share similar interests can lead to future collaborations, career opportunities, and continuous learning.

Embrace challenges and push beyond your comfort zone to improve knowledge and build confidence in online learning.

See the interview with Gaby Lahoud, CFA, CMA, CSCA, PMP, MBA International Trainer


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