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At Mary Ann Markowitz & Associates, we specialize in recruiting the best candidates for finance and accounting positions. With our extensive network and expertise, we can help you find the perfect frt for your team.


What Differentiates You From Other Job Seekers?

You must know and be able to communicate the answer to this question in order to receive job offers. Imagine for a moment that you are up against two other job seekers who have the same education, experience and expertise that you possess. Why should someone hire you?

These factors are also considered in the hiring process.
Which job seeker demonstrated…

* the strongest interest in the opportunity being offered?
* the highest level of confidence in their ability to do the job?
* knowledge of the company as well as the job being offered?
* the ability to fit into the company culture?
* talents which would enhance current team members?
* a track record of accomplishments and how they impacted past employers?
* the ability to make the hiring authority “look good!”

Don’t assume for one minute that hiring authorities are going to take the time to figure out who is the best fit for their opportunity. It is up to you to show a high level of interest, stress your accomplishments and the impact on past employers, as well as a higher level of confidence in your ability to get the job done.

Finding a job is a competition and you want to WIN by obtaining the job offer. It is your job, as a job seeker, to eliminate the competition by clearly showing the hiring authority why you are the person who will provide the greatest return on their investment (your salary package) if they hire you! Go out there and WIN!

Upcoming Free Job Seeker Training Webinars:

Are Your Goals Attainable?
October 5th @ (11:00 AM PST/12:00 PM MT/1:00 PM CST/ 2:00 PM EST)

Have you ever wondered if the goals you have set for your job search are realistic During this session you will learn:

* What to avoid
* How to set attainable goals
* How to attain the goals you set
* How you measure your success

Obstacles are Opportunities
October 13th @ (9:00 AM PST/10:00 AM MT/11:00 AM CST/12:00 EST)

You will experience obstacles during your job search. How you handle them will determine if you find a job or not. During this webinar we will address the following:

* Common obstacles
* Techniques to overcome obstacles
* How you learn from each experience
* Why this will progress your job search

*To register, login to our Career Portal and click on the WEBINAR Tab. Then click on the Event and register by clicking the Webinar registration link for each event listed.

We take our direction from you! If you have any ideas you would like to share with us, please contact us at [email protected]

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