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At Mary Ann Markowitz & Associates, we specialize in recruiting the best candidates for finance and accounting positions. With our extensive network and expertise, we can help you find the perfect frt for your team.


It’s time to review your job search activities in the past three months. You can learn from your failures as much as your successes. Consider the following questions:
1.    How many hours do you spend on your job search each day?
2.    Have you set minimum daily standards for your search?
3.    Do you accomplish these standards each day?
4.    How many hiring authorities have you talked to?
5.    How many interviews have you scheduled?
The answers to these questions can provide you with insight on whether your search is moving forward, in neutral or going in reverse. Today is the best time to put your job search in high gear. Set and attain daily standards, re-contact everyone in your personal and professional network, call all past employers and co-workers, attend job fairs and networking events and take advantage of the hiring that will be done in the last quarter of this year!

It is important to review the articles in our Career Portal Library as well as the information contained in the sixteen step process for finding a job. Identify where you are in the job search process and then read the materials that will help you advance your search. Try to spend one hour that you may be currently spending watching TV, listening to the radio or reading the newspaper reading the many articles contained in our Career Portal!

The response to our weekly Training Webinars has been excellent! Participants are also commenting on how they are benefiting from the questions being asked by other participants. Write down any problems you are facing in your job search and bring your questions to our free weekly Training Webinars. Our goal is to help you land a job!

Are Your Goals Attainable?
October 5th @ (1:00 PM PST/2:00 PM MST/3:00 PM CST/ 4:00 PM EST)

Have you ever wondered if the goals you have set for your job search are realistic? During this session you will learn:
•    What to avoid
•    How to set attainable goals
•    How to attain the goals you set
•    How you measure your success
Obstacles are Opportunities
October 13th @ (9:00 AM PST/10:00 AM MST/11:00 AM CST/12:00 PM EST)

You will experience obstacles during your job search. How you handle them will determine if you find a job or not. During this webinar we will address the following:
•    Common obstacles
•    Techniques to overcome obstacles
•    How you learn from each experience
•    Why this will progress your job search
*To register, login to our Career Portal and click on the Webinar Tab. Then click on the event and register by clicking the Webinar registration link for each event listed.

Take advantage of all the Free Offers in our Career Portal. They include Resume Cards, Trade Publications, Resume Review and Assessment Tools. These resources were developed and included to help your networking efforts that will lead to interviews. If you have not taken advantage of these resources, you owe it to yourself to do it today!

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