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At Mary Ann Markowitz & Associates, we specialize in recruiting the best candidates for finance and accounting positions. With our extensive network and expertise, we can help you find the perfect frt for your team.

Helping you find the right match for an accounting job in Dallas, TX

Accounting jobs in Dallas, TX are diverse. With thousands of vacant positions open daily, searching for the right talent can be time-consuming, expensive, and even overwhelming.

With a smaller pool of talent and more accounting jobs available, how do you find the right candidate? 

This is where careful matchmaking becomes highly important.


Diversity of accounting jobs

Accounting responsibilities vary depending on the needs of a business. There isn’t a single way to do accounting, making the challenge to find the right candidate even harder.

Diversity among candidates is great, but this brings an added challenge to the hiring manager. It can take weeks or even months to fill an entry-level role.


Finding the right candidate for an accounting job

Recruitment is not just about receiving resumes from all possible candidates. You have to narrow down your search to expedite the process. When important roles stay vacant, companies lose profit on a daily basis.

The process becomes much easier when both hiring managers and candidates have the same expectations. Through executive search, MAM Recruiting helps you find the best candidates only. You get a complete write up on each candidate, together with a resume and a weekly summary report for each search.


Here’s what you should know about your recruit:

  • Salary expectations
  • Benefits including time-off
  • Additional key skill sets not in the resume
  • The relevance of previous experience
  • Communication skills (verbal and written)
  • Educational attainment


Hiring managers also have specific questions that recruits must answer, to determine their success in performing the role.

Creating a meaningful hiring process

The goal is to make the hiring process meaningful and easier for both candidates and hiring managers. The promise is a long-lasting relationship that benefits both parties.

To know more about our process, feel free to get in touch and contact us today. We have helped hundreds of hiring managers and candidates find their best match in the last 17 years.

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