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Social Media: Finding a job using Twitter

Any inspection of recruitment websites will show you a multitude of businesses looking to hire.

“On any given week, we may see hundreds of new social media jobs posted,” said Kathy O’Reilly, director of social media relations for job recruitment site Monster.

With over 200 million people on Twitter, companies are reaching out to Twitter users. Twitter has become extremely significant to job seekers as it is valuable in searching for companies with positions to fill. According to a survey by Linkedin currently dominates but using Twitter to find a job is also a great resource. Recruiters and HR managers are aggressively screening Twitter looking for candidates and Twitter allows you to connect whether you know them or not. You can follow anyone on Twitter based on shared interests.

Follow these steps to find a job by using Twitter:

1- Sign up for an account and work up a profile with appropriate information for a job seeker. Make sure the profile consists of things you want the employer to know about you as it relates to your work life. Try to come up with a profile that will capture a prospective employer’s attention. Include an email that you check often, a link to a CV/resume and a professional looking image on the account. Remember that your profile and image is the first impression the employer has of you so make it count!

2- Run Twitter searches by using closely related hash tags (#). If you are looking for accounting jobs run a hash tag search using terms such as #Jobs, #accountingjobs, #accountantjobs, etc. You can run a more general Twitter search to find job advice and lots of listings through hash tags like #jobs, #HR, #recruiting, , #joblistings and #jobsearch.

3- Follow people or companies that you believe will help you learn about a job lead. Search for some of the companies that you would like to work for and build a Twitter following that makes sense for your job search. Build your following with people in the field, recruiters, job lists, etc. When looking for a job on Twitter it’s okay to send replies or make comments to a recruiter’s tweets. Tweet about the ins and outs of your job search and keep your name on everyone’s minds. Retweet content that is of interest or relevant to your chosen career field to show that you are keeping up with news and trends in your field.
One last word of advice: Never forget that “You are what you tweet”. Keep in mind that everything you tweet reflects on you as a job candidate.

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