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Getting a Job Using Linkedin: Part II

In Part I ( we discussed How to set up your profile on Linkedin for the best results. In Part II we take the discussion further by discussing networking, making connections and setting up your links and expert status.


Linkedin has features that allow you to post links to your page or to other websites. If you have a website, blog or other relevant site, you can add it to your profile page for further exposure outside of Linkedin. To make the links you can use the function that Linkedin provides or one of the Linkedin apps. In addition to Linkedin apps there are other apps that you can find by doing an online search for “Linkedin Apps”. Do not employ an app for its own sake but only if it will enhance your status on Linkedin.


There are several websites and groups within Linkedin that offer “open networking”. Open networking status indicates that a person will allow you to connect even though they are not acquainted with you. This method will gain many connections for your profile but in the instance of a job search it is not advisable. The most focused and targeted method requires you to use the search function provided on Linkedin to find the best leads for a connection or to groups to join.

When you join groups you have an opportunity to participate and pose or answer questions and become part of the discussion. Many times job offers are posted directly to group pages by recruiters. Make sure to offer something of value in return as you use the group for its resources. Also avail yourself of the “Linkedin Answers” forum to gain and give your knowledge and expertise as well as gain respect and confidence from your peers. One last thought on groups: Find groups that echo the goals you’ve set when creating your profile. When you make a connection, do not send out the generic “join my network” message but customize your message and offer some type of value or help to your connections.


In addition to peer review from using “Linkedin Answers” you will need to fill your profile with recommendations from past employers, colleagues and other group or Linkedin members that you may have offered assistance to via your networking. Be certain that you accept only recommendations that add intrinsic value to your profile. Don’t neglect to add anything that may be relevant such as a guest blog you wrote or an online forum or community organization in which you are active.

In conclusion, to get maximum results invest in your Linkedin profile by:
*Making a complete and targeted headline, professional photo, and detailed bio information based on relevant keywords for your job niche.
*Join groups and make only intended and focused connections.
*Tweak your profile with apps and link your other pages and social media forums to your profile page.
*Answer questions via “Linkedin Answers” and be helpful in group discussions and when corresponding with connections.
Using your Linkedin account every day following the previous guidelines should give you the boost you need to be successful during your online job search. Best of luck in your endeavors!

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