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How to Recognize and Reduce Unhelpful Thinking Patterns 😟

woman praying
Unhelpful thinking patterns can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety. It’s essential to identify and understand these patterns so you can make the necessary changes to break them.

Here are the questions we’ll answer about unhelpful thinking patterns:

1. What Are Unhelpful Thinking Patterns?

Unhelpful thinking patterns are cognitive processes that lead to negative emotions and behaviors. Research has shown that people with unhelpful thinking patterns are at an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

For example, a study by the American Psychological Association found that rumination, a type of unhelpful thinking pattern, was associated with a greater risk of depression. Additionally, research has found that people engaging in unhelpful thinking patterns are more likely to experience physical health problems, such as increased blood pressure and a weakened immune system.

2. What Are the Common Unhelpful Thinking Patterns?

Common unhelpful thinking patterns include perfectionism, over-analysis, over-concern, and denial. These can lead to issues with relationships, work, and personal goals.

 Perfectionism is an unhelpful thinking pattern where you expect perfection in all areas of your life. This can lead to excessive worrying and stress.

Over-analysis is when you spend too much time thinking about a problem instead of taking action. This can lead to increased anxiety and difficulty in making decisions. 

Over-concern is when you focus too much on the opinions of others and worry about how they view you. This can lead to decreased self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness. 

Denial is when you avoid acknowledging or facing challenging issues in your life. This can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms and the inability to make necessary changes.

3. What Are the Signs That You Have an Unhelpful Thinking Pattern?

Suppose you constantly worry about what could go wrong, feel anxious or stressed when faced with challenges, have unrealistic expectations of yourself or others, and are overly critical of yourself or others. In that case, you may struggle with an unhelpful thinking pattern. These patterns can lead to increased anxiety and stress, decreased self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness, and several physical health problems.

If you notice any of the following signs that you may be struggling with an unhelpful thinking pattern, it is essential to seek help:

Feeling overwhelmed by life events,

Avoiding difficult conversations or tasks,

Feeling lost or confused about your goals,

Difficulty making decisions,

Experiencing physical symptoms such as high blood pressure or a weakened immune system.

Are You Aware of Your Unhelpful Thinking Patterns?

4. How Can I Break an Unhelpful Thinking Pattern?

If you constantly worry about what could go wrong, feel anxious or stressed when faced with challenges, have unrealistic expectations of yourself or others, and are overly critical of yourself or others. It is important to identify and break these unhelpful thinking patterns.

To do this, you need to set goals for yourself and take action toward them. This involves rewriting the above list to include more positive thoughts and behaviors. For example, you might rewrite the “have unrealistic expectations of yourself” statement to read “expect excellence in all areas of your life.”

Additionally, you can start by identifying which unhelpful thinking patterns are causing you the most difficulty. Once you have identified a way, try to replace it with more positive thoughts and behaviors. This can be done by engaging in self-compassion exercises, talking to a trusted friend, or hiring a life coach. 

5. How Can I Avoid Unhelpful Thinking Patterns?

Understanding unhelpful thinking patterns is critical to breaking them and avoiding them in the future. By identifying your patterns and taking steps to change them, you can reduce stress and worry and live a healthier life.

Step 1: Identify Unhelpful Thinking Patterns

Step 2: Acknowledge the Pattern When it Occurs

Step 3: Challenge the Thinking Pattern with Facts and Evidence

Step 4: Replace Unhelpful Thinking Patterns with Positive Self-talk 

“When we shift from negatively complaining to positively affirming, conditions change. Then complaining is no longer the operative law in our life-freedom is.” Michael Bernard Beckwith

Step 5: Find Ways to Reduce Stress and Worry 

Step 6: Practice Mindfulness and Self-care

The above points discuss how to recognize and reduce unhelpful thinking patterns. If you struggle with one of these patterns, it is important to seek help. Additionally, you can live a healthier life by identifying and breaking the pattern. Finally, practicing mindfulness and self-care can reduce stress and worry and help you live a happier lifestyle.



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